Thursday, March 21, 2013

Historicity of the Bible

Dead Sea Scrolls: Psalms Scroll 

We have all heard it, “The Bible is just a bunch of made up stories!” Once, when witnessing to a training partner at my gym, he simply told me that he would not believe in the Christian God because the Bible was not trustworthy. However, these doubts have no solid ground to stand on. In 1947 a young shepherd boy threw a rock into a cave near the Dead Sea and heard pottery break. Thus, one of the greatest archaeological finds in history began. Near 230 biblical manuscripts were found many dating to the first century.[1] Among these was a complete copy of the Isaiah Scroll that dates 1,000 years older than the oldest copy previously possessed.[2] This archaeological find lends so much historical backing to the Old Testament that its reliability is beyond a shadow of a doubt. The same can be said of the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus for the New Testament. These two Codex’s or books contain nearly the entire New Testament and were hand written over 1,600 years ago.
Codex Sinaiticus

No other piece of ancient literature, aside from scripture, can boast such clear and irrefutable evidence. As the old saying goes, “There is enough evidence in favor of Christianity to convince anyone who will believe, but there is no amount of evidence to convince one who will not believe.” Therefore, if evidence for the Christian Faith is what you need you have at your finger tips. If you are in the Faith, I pray that you will enjoy this cherry on top of the amazing sundae; for evidence is a beautiful bonus to joyous faith.


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